Create an Alert/Notification when Submitted
In Connection Card Pro’s manage Prayer Needs page, you can view prayer requests submitted and waiting for approval based on your personal hub settings. Approval for submitted prayer needs may be required before prayer needs are visible to other members in the hub.
When you allow prayer needs of group members to be shown on group pages in the Personal Hub Portal, all individuals will be able to see them when they log into their Hub portal and click on the Groups tab, then click on a group, they will see Prayer Needs listed of any group members that are not marked as private.
You can Create an Admin Alert/Notification to let you know weekly or daily of any prayer requests that still need to be approved to make visible to your organization.
Create an Alert/Notification when Submitted
You can set up an alert to be notified once a week, or more than once a week by setting up individual daily notifications.
FIRST: Create a Custom List of all Admins who should receive this notification.
From the menu:
People > View People
From the menu:
Communications > Settings > Automated Communication Settings