Connection Card Pro Help & Documentation

Last Updated: Feb 9, 2024 1:10 PM

Importing Persons from another database:

Do you have a lot of people in your current or previous software you have been using and are feeling overwhelmed how you will get all these names entered into Connection Card Pro? We make it easy to import those people into Connection Card Pro taking only a few hours compared to a few months or more! If you can export and save those contacts into a CSV (Comma Separated Values) only format this CSV file can then be imported into Connection Card Pro. Most spreadsheet and database software include CSV as a “Save As” or “Export” option, including Microsoft Excel.

Step 1:  Export your contacts from your previous platform to a CSV file.

We recommend going through this csv document first to clean out, removing unnecessary columns/information that is not needed to make the import easier and faster. Make sure to have headings in the top row for each field of information. Also, look for duplicates and combine those first for a faster import!

Step 2: Import this csv file into Connection Card Pro

From the menu:
People > People Settings > Import Persons

On the next page you will Assign Fields:

Assign Relationships:

If you still have questions or require additional help, please contact our support team by clicking on the Help button > Contact Support.
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