Connection Card Pro Help & Documentation

Last Updated: Jan 23, 2024 8:55 AM

Ways to Submit a Prayer Request

Connection Card Pro gives you and your organization different ways to submit a prayer request, so that submitting a prayer request is accessible to all. Admins with people permissions can add a prayer request in an individual’s profile for them, you can set up a Digital Guest Card with a Keyword to text for Prayer, and individuals can enter a prayer their request in their personal Hub portal.

When prayer requests are submitted, you can view and approve them, depending on your personal Hub settings, before they are released to show on individuals group pages in their Hub.

When you allow prayer needs of group members to be shown on group pages in the Personal Hub Portal, all individuals will be able to see them when they log into their Hub portal and click on the Groups tab, then click on a group, they will see Prayer Needs listed of any group members that are not marked as private.

Ways to Submit a Prayer Request:

1) Admins can Submit a Prayer Request for a person

2) If you have the Texting Add-on feature, individuals can text a keyword, such as PRAYER, to your text number to submit a prayer request. Your Digital Prayer Guest Card and Texting Keyword can be set up in Communications > Digital Guest Cards >New Digital Guest Card.

3) Individuals can Submit their Prayer Requests in their Personal Hub Portal

If you want to allow them to submit prayer needs in their Personal Hub, enable your settings in Communications > Settings > Hub & App Settings and check to allow.

If you still have questions or require additional help, please contact our support team by clicking on the Help button > Contact Support.
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