Connection Card Pro Help & Documentation

Last Updated: Aug 29, 2023 3:28 PM

Add Point of Contacts for Tracking

Connection Card Pro wants to help you have the best outreach tools available and we hope our Point of Contacts feature will help with that! In Point of Contacts, you can see where your contacts are coming from to give insight into what events or marketing plans are attracting your contacts to your organization the most. See how friend invites are doing compared to social media and events. Every organization is different, use this tool to find out what is working the best for your organization to attract and keep people coming!

Point of Contacts are labels which can be assigned to people to track how they heard of you and became connected with your organization. This can be a certain event they attended that brought them to your organization for the first time, such as a Block Party, or different types of marketing you have done. Want to see how effective your Post Cards are? Your Block Party? Make Point of Contacts for these and start tracking!

To Add Point of Contacts for Tracking

From the menu:
People > People Settings > Point of Contacts

Assigning a Point of Contact to an Individual

From the menu:
People > View People (Or Person list shortcut)

If you still have questions or require additional help, please contact our support team by clicking on the Help button > Contact Support.
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